Thursday, May 2, 2013

Not for votes

Someone recently showed me a clip of a very famous and influential politician shmoozing with school children for over 30 minutes.  We always see the 10 second chit chats and photo ops, but to see such a figure really sit down and hear these little kids ask him question after question, had me in a bit of awe.  This man seemed to really care; he seemed to really value the children, beyond their vote ten years down the line.  

L’havdil elef havdolos we saw this with the Rebbe (and he didn’t need the votes).  That was actually what came to my mind right away.  This politician reminded me what my Rebbe was like - on an obviously much larger scale. 

The Rebbe, as far as I know, was the only gadol (maybe in history – although Mordechai Hatzadik did gather the children on one occasion) that had numerous set times throughout the year where he would come out and spent hours with the children.  It was uniquely for them.  You would see how the Rebbe kvelled in his every moment that he spent with his children.  I’m sure the kids felt like a million bucks. 
This is a true example of an educator par excellence. 

The Rebbe’s time was precious.  But Lag Ba’omer was one of those times where the Rebbe was there with the children. 

Watch these two videos

You see the Rebbe talk to the children for over 50 minutes!  He then watches them parade - he was there
How often do I feel that there are much bigger issues to deal with then listening to our little ones, and playing with them?  I mean 5 minutes is enough…

The Rebbe taught me otherwise. 

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