Sunday, October 20, 2013

The Kabbalah of Bankruptcy

This is not a podium for politics (although I do have a thing or two to say about that…) 

The largest municipal bankruptcy filing in U.S. history estimated to be $18–20 billion was filed by the city of Detroit some weeks ago and we just had our Government shutdown for over two weeks. Millions of American families are suffering bankruptcies, foreclosures and worse.

Many bankruptcies come from irresponsible behaviors and reckless spending.  Yet, countless people suffer from major financial catastrophes even though they basically "followed the rules".

In order for a seed to grow it first needs to rot. In Kabbalistic terms the “yesh (something)” can only come after there is first an “ayin (nothingness)”.

We all know that “everything comes from G-d”, but as obvious and simple as this idea is, it’s SO easy to forget. Beyond the constant mantra like reminders – one sometimes needs a major – big bang – reminder.


Yes, those that needed it - myself included (sometimes more than twice and thrice) know what I mean…

You come out with a new way of looking at things – until we forget and need the next shutdown to keep us in check.

It’s so easy to say: “Hay that guy if he just tried a little harder, stopped being lazy - you know, picked up a shovel and got to work, then everything would be fine.” “You gotta wake up in the morning and do the right thing, and then everything goes good.” “You just got to put in the effort.”

The Chofetz Chaim wrote a letter (Michtevey Chofetz Chaim p. 39) in response to the claim about the poor that “they are just lazy”. The Chofetz Chaim responded: “(paraphrasing) G-d set up the world in a way that there are the “givers” and the “takers”. G-d wants it like that. There are supposed to be those people that just can’t make it. How does this take place? G-d created certain people with the ability to not be lazy, to do exactly what they need to do, make a lot of money and be able to give it to others that were not wired like that”.

[Don’t take this the wrong way; I can throw countless quotes of the Sages against the lazy…]

So what is the Chafetz Chaim saying, “the well-oiled Wall Street millionaire, don’t think you’re so hot – bankruptcy – kabooom. Madoff lost millions of your dollars. You didn't do anything wrong, you were cheated.

But maybe you have a little too much faith in your “effort” and you’re “hishtadlus”. You think you were so smart – who do you think gave you the brain? Who gave you the ability to be so organized, street smart and shrewd, likable and a leader?

[The same can be said to the president, chief rabbi, top of the class, and most handsome/pretty in the room etc.]

It all comes from G-d Almighty.


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